New website – 80% faster!

Influencer on laptop Clior®

Customer feedback is the life blood of our company, and some of you thought our website was a little slow to load. So we’ve responded! It’s vital to us that customers have the same premium shopping experience online as they receive from using our physical products. Taking this on board, we’ve invested in the very latest technology to give our customers the best possible online shopping experience. In fact, our website is now 80% faster than than the old one!

The new site should feel familiar to our returning customers, as we kept the same look and feel on the front-end. But the technology that keeps the site secure, stable and speedy has been dramatically upgraded. As a UK company, with many of our customers also based in the UK, we’ve made sure the website servers are based here in the UK and utilise some of the fastest hosting in the world.

Not only that, we’ve considered our impact of running a 24x7x365 website on the planet. As such, the servers that host our website are powered by 100% renewable energy. No vague carbon offsets, just a direct relationship between our website datacentre and Ecotricity to power the facility with energy generated by 100% renewable sources.

If you have any suggestions for features you’d like to see on our website in future, please do let us know. In the mean time, we’ll continue to refine our service to ensure our customers get the best possible online experience.

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